Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yesterday Chuck and I went to Target to buy wrapping paper and bows that we thought Charlie would enjoy. Sure enough this morning that was the first place he comando crawled over to! He had a great time playing with the bows!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas!

At first Charlie wasn't too sure of Santa - wouldn't take his eyes off of him! Once he sat in his lap he was fine - wouldn't crack a smile but at least he didn't cry!!

My "girlfriend" Carson sent me a Christmas card!! I just kept on looking at it at every angle and cried when Mommy took it away!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I turned 9 months old on December 11th and went to the doctor for my checkup! Everything looked good - weight was 94th%, height 97% and head was off the charts!

I love my feet!

Charlie and his cousin Molly having a stare down!!

We went to the mountains to celebrate Uncle Jeff turning the big 30!! Charlie started open handed clapping and comando crawling! It was a big weekend for everyone!

Monday, December 1, 2008

My top two teeth are coming in!!